Colombian English teachers’ use of textbooks and their appropriation of policy suggestions



Designing and implementing English language education policies, programs and curricula has emerged as a top priority of various Latin American countries. This qualitative study focuses on the particular case of Colombia and two textbooks, English Please! and Way to Go!, which were issued by the Ministry of Education as a means to improve English language teaching and learning in public schools. The study aims at determining the extent to which a group of teachers appropriated Colombia Bilingüe policy suggestions for English language education when using the aforementioned textbooks. Based on class observations, questionnaires and interviews, it was found that while participants appropriated the textbooks’ emphasis on transversality and their connection with the government curricular guidelines, they encountered challenges to enhance their students’ professional and employment chances through the books. Partial appropriation of the policy pedagogical suggestions involved fostering students’ cultural and intercultural learning, their development of communicative ability, 21st century and transferable skills.


Language education policy, English textbooks, Colombia Bilingüe, Language policy appropriation

Author Biographies

John Jairo Viáfara González, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: John Jairo Viáfara González (

Natalia Cardozo Durán, Universidad Surcolombiana

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Natalia Cardozo Durán ( )

Lorena Lucía Lozano Bahamón, Universidad Surcolombiana

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Lorena Lucía Lozano Bahamón (


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