Reading intervention in children with specific language disorder: a review of the literature



Children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI), currently referred to as Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), tend to experience difficulties in reading acquisition, which impacts their academic performance. Despite the importance of reading, there is limited evidence regarding programs specifically designed to support reading development in children with SLI/DLD. Therefore, the objective of this review is to gather information on research studies addressing interventions aimed at supporting reading difficulties in children with SLI/DLD over the past 10 years. The data reveals that there are four studies focusing on such interventions, three of which target metalinguistic skills, oral language, and reading skills. This suggests that a combined approach is the most common proposal for addressing the reading problem in these children. Finally, all studies report successful outcomes of the interventions in supporting reading skills in these children.


Reading, Reading interventions, Specific Language Impairment, Decoding, Reading comprehension, Developmental Language Disorder


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