absTracT: In Andean Spanish varieties in contact with Quechua and Aymara indirect evidential and mirative values are documented for the pluperfect. Furthermore, the perfecto compuesto (=English Present Perfect) usually adopts a purely aoristive value, i. e. ha venido (lit. (s)he has come) ‘he came’, but additionally expressing direct evidence.
This paper aims at tackling the evidential values of haber + participle as derived from the interrelation between temporal units, an idea previously adopted in the study of other languages. Namely, it is proposed here that the nature of the evidence derives from the interaction between the event time and an ‘evidence time’, in which the speaker has evidence available to assert p, so that the overlap between both times indicates direct evidence and the lack of overlapping indirect evidence. This allows to explain, in addition, the apparent contradiction posed by certain uses of the pluperfect where the evidence is direct, e. g. habías sido vos, lit. ‘it had been
you’ [while seeing the hearer]: there the overlap is partial, so that there is indirect
evidence of the initial subinterval and direct evidence of the final subinterval. Adding
speech time (or some equivalent evaluation time) to this schema additionally allows
to account for the mirative values.
español andino, evidencial, mirativo, pluscuamperfecto, perfecto
Carol, J. J. (2019). Evidential and mirative values of haber +participle in Andean Spanish: an analysis based on the notion of ’Evidence Time’. Lenguas Modernas, (52), pp. 99–119. Retrieved from https://revistas.uchile.cl/index.php/LM/article/view/52847