absTracT: The objective of the present investigation is to describe the marking of temporal reference in relative clauses (RCs) in languages of the Andes and the Gran Chaco, from the areal typological approach. The analyzed languages are fourteen, seven per area: from Chaco, Lule, Vilela, Wichí, Pilagá, Ayoreo, Tapieté and Guaraní-Chaqueño ; and from the Andes, Quechua Ayacucho, Aymara, Chipaya, Cholón, Mochica, Millcayac and Mapudungun. To study temporal reference, two strategies were described: introduced by means of a nominalizing suffix, used by the Andean languages of the center, Quechua Ayacucho, Aymara Chipaya and Cholon; and only for the Tapieté in the Chaco or by means of an independent verbal suffix analogous to the one that would be used in an independent clause, which is the case of Mochica, Millcayac and Mapudungun in the Andes and Lule, Vilela, Guaraní-Chaqueño and Wichí in the chacoan area. Only two languages do not have grammatical tense (tenseless), Ayoreo and Pilagá, introducing the temporal reference by means of adverbs and lexical phrases.
tipología areal, lenguas andinas, lenguas chaqueñas, cláusulas relativas, tiempo
Aristegui Moncada, D. (2019). Temporal reference relative clauses in chacoan and andean languages from an typological perspective. Lenguas Modernas, (52), pp. 35–55. Retrieved from https://revistas.uchile.cl/index.php/LM/article/view/52844