The lecture of the subject ‘Discourse Analysis’ for the programmes of Arts and Communication Sciences of the Faculty of Arts at the National University of Tucumán, leads us to argue that the systematic processing of the concepts of ‘community’, ‘genre’, ‘competence’ and ‘strategy’ is unavoidable to ensure the students' development of critical reading and writing skills, that are basics in order to undertake research in the context of discourse studies. The approach of these concepts, with their respective terminological questioning, has become a very useful teaching tool. The diagnosis made is the generator of this paper that is intended as a theoretical reflection on the relevance that these notions assume in the context of teaching and learning processes in the curricular subject ‘Discourse Analysis’, in order to offer an alternative instrument that enables to optimize the performance of teaching practices in this field of application.
Sal Paz, J. C., & Maldonado, S. D. (2015). Community, genre, competence and strategy: axes of a didactic analysis of discourse. Lenguas Modernas, (43), Pág. 79 – 96. Retrieved from