This article starts from the nihilistic diagnosis of modernity that describes the contemporary world as the product of a history of fragmentation. In it it is argued that this crisis has a metaphysical origin that goes back to The Fall of the human being out of the Garden of Eden recounted in The Genesis and that it represents a fracture in the transcendental nature of language. It is also shown that the fissure of language dissociates the metaphysical reality that serves as the foundation for reality and the experiential dimension of the world. Finally, it seeks to argue from a non-dualist conception of metaphysics based on the interpretation of the mysticism by Walter Benjamin that an overcoming of the anthropological and existential crisis that accompanies the modern individual can only be achieved through a messianic restitution of the nature of language and history.
Nihilism, Methaphysics, Languaje, Mysticism, Walter Benjamin, Messianism
Donoso Pardo, N. (2022). The messianic restitution of the metaphysical nature of language and existence from the vision of mysticism of Walter Benjamin. Cuadernos Judaicos, (39), pp. 32–70.