The following article is an investigation focused on the Leví family during XIV century spread all over Navarra, however above all it is especially focused on the lineage located on Estella. On the first part it is exposed a brief story about the Jewry of Estella, until de last third of the XIII century until the end of the XIV century. Moreover, it is study that the Leví families arrived and settle down on different navarran populations such as Viana, Los Arcos, Larraga, Sangüesa, Pamplona, Tudela and Caparroso. The main part of this investigation is the history and family genealogy of all the Leví lineages in the city of Estella from the end of the XIII century to the XIV centur, taking in to account their economic and financial capacity, their relations with the Christian and Jewish community, their movable and immovable property, their occupations and the positions they held in the public administration, making a special mention to one of their most prominent members, such as Judas Leví “the Young.”
Middle Ages, XIV century, important Jewish families, the Leví, history and family genealogy
Avila Palet, J. E. (2022). The Leví a prominent jewish family from Estella in the end of the Middle Age (XII and XIV century). Their extensions on Navarra. Cuadernos Judaicos, (39), pp. 3–31.