This paper explores the scope of the existence of disagreements, it is assumed that the lack of consensus evidences some problem with the content of a certain belief, because otherwise p would be believed by all and everyone. The position called justificationism opens the possibility of reasonable, and therefore eventually irresolvable, disagreements. The scope of the post-truth phenomenon in these discussions is considered, which allows us to distinguish between deep disagreements (disagreements about certain theoretical presuppositions) and gratuitous disagreements (disagreements without further justification as to why one rejects or suspends judgment with respect to p), which makes it necessary to reject that all disagreement is valid by default.
Miranda-Rojas, R. (2023). Deep disagreements, gratuitous disagreements, and the risk of post-truth. Cinta De Moebio. Revista De Epistemología De Ciencias Sociales, (77), pp. 131–141. Retrieved from