The philosophy of history after Hayden White. Event, narrativism, historical sublime



Contemporary interpretations of the philosophy of narrativist history have neglected in their refigurements of Hayden White’s work those texts that elaborate with greater emphasis and detail a traumatic reading of narrativism. A reading that is not possible without a careful consideration by the notion of event in the philosophy of Whitean history. Considering the current readings of narrativism developed in English, as well as the work of translating White’s work into Spanish, the article aims to enunciate the place that the event would have in a refigurement of White’s work capable of dialogue with the catastrophes contemporary and the philosophies that today seek an outlet to the theories of the subject.


Philosophy of History, Hayden White, Narrativism, Event, Historical Sublime, Modernism

Author Biography

Miguel Valderrama, Universidad Diego Portales

Investigador postdoctoral asociado al Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Diego Portales. Doctor en Filosofía, mención Estética y Teoría del Arte, Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile.
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7504-8410.
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