Economic complementarity's between Chile and Bolivia, 1973-1990. A type of integration during the cold war
Máximo Quitral Rojas
Licenciado en Historia, Diplomado en Comunicación y Relaciones Internacionales Universidad Arturo Prat (Unap). Magíster en Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH). Director de la carrera de Historia y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad del Mar, Santiago
The next article is based on a complete historiografic review to demonstrate the strong economic relationships developed between Chilean and Bolivian businessmen between 1973 and 1990. The adoption of neoliberalism as a primary economic model, allowed the extension of such relation and create economy networks that tending to strengthen the external image of the Chilean military regime. In the 80`s, the business diplomacy was present in the state groups, taking risks aimed at externalizing a successful economic model for internal economic sectors. Although Chilean international isolation influenced its international relations, the economic networks that it was able to establish with Bolivia remained separate from political conflicts.
neoliberalism, economy, diplomacy, businessmen, regime and dictatorship
Quitral Rojas, M. (2009). Economic complementarity’s between Chile and Bolivia, 1973-1990. A type of integration during the cold war. Cuadernos De Historia, (30), Pág. 89–111. Retrieved from