Technology for smelting and refining copper in Michoacán (New Spain): factory of Santa Clara del cobre in the late eighteenth century


  • María Concepción Gavira Márquez Dra. en Historia por la Universidad de Sevilla. Profesora-investigadora de la Facultad de Historia de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Michoacán,


This study aims to assess the importance of copper during the eighteenth and the policy of the Spanish crown for their production and improve the quality of metal reaching up the Peninsula. Copper in New Spain came mostly from mines in Inguarán Michoacán, where he continued to work the mines mostly Hispanic. This production, now in the hands of Spaniards with indigenous technology still will be of interest to obtain more and higher quality copper. This commissioned an expert on German metalworkers who came to America in the late eighteenth pre-hispánica. Analyze the goals and outcomes of a project to renovate the mill technology and improve the quality of copper.


copper, colonial mining, mining technology, Inguarán