Leucemia mieloide aguda: fisiopatología, clasificación molecular y pronóstico, revisión 2016


  • Héctor Foncea. Médico-Cirujano, Universidad de Chile.


The purpose of this review is to summarize the essential aspects of the pathophysiology, classification and prognosis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), emphasizing the relationship between point mutations and expected survival. AML includes a group of disorders characterized by clonal proliferation of myeloid precursors that lead to different clinical manifestations such as anemia, infection or bleeding. It is postulated that its formation follows a two-step process where the precursors are perpetuated and then gives them a replicative advantage. Current cytogenetic findings forced to renew the classification of the disease and thus, the classification of the 2016 World Health Organization arises. New molecular techniques have helped to categorize the AML by cytogenetics, which has also served to provide prognosis and improve treatment.


leucemia mieloide aguda, fisiopatología, clasificación, citogenética, pronóstico


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