Resistencia a la ficción: ideología de la forma en la escena chilena


  • Paulo Olivares Rojas Departamento de Teatro, Universidad de Chile


The current scene insistently dialogues with proposals that seek to tense the place of fiction when it comes to accounting for recent history in social and personal terms. The emergence of “real/non-acting bodies” in the territory of the theatre generates a questioning of the representational status of scenic devices by virtue of a contemporaneity that resists semiotic displacement to give rise to the “real”. The document, the testimony, the first person, emerge with the purpose of creating an experiential relationship with living history, constitutive of the “real” bodies. In this sense, based on the productions Este (no) es un testamento and Animales invisibles, both by the company La Laura Palmer, Anarko by Soledad Gaspar and Paisajes para no colorear by La Re-Sentida, I propose to reflect on the ideological assumptions that these operations articulate in order to delimit the field of action of the fictional and the representational in the territory of the scenic and the performative.


Fiction, memory, testimonial theatre, ideology, modern drama