Introduction: The role of the Occupational Therapy (OT) in our acute care hospitals in Argentina has peculiar features, whether due to: lack of human resources, institutional characteristics or socioeconomic causes. Therefore the interventions have a different profle to those found in the available literature. (Affeck, A. , Lieberman, J.P. & Rohrkeper, K. , 1986; Bondac, S. , Hermann, V. , Frost, L., Lashgari, D. , Finnen, L. & Alexander, H. , 2009; Eyres, L. & Unsworth, C. , 2005; Giesbrecht, B. , 2006; Raush, G. & Melvin, J. , 1986).
Objetives: a) To estimate the frequency distribution and the number of OT interventions. b) To determine if the average age and the presence of a caregiver differ depending on the type of OT interventions.
Material and Methods: 141 records of adult inpatients from the Acute Care Hospital who had at least one intervention were included. Comparative study to independent samples, prospective observational and longitudinal (june 2008-june 2009).
Results: The most prevalent are interconsultations for information, use of daily life activities, education on deconditioning, positioning, suggestion or conducting for environmental adaptations, splints, among others. Major differences were observed between the age and the use of daily life activities, education on the proper use of body mechanics, positioning, stimulation of the awareness, training for energy conservation and joint protection, along with others. Also, signifcant differences were found between the presence of a caregiver and education on deconditioning and consultancy on care management.
Conclusions: The study shows the most prevalent interventions in an acute care hospital, taking into account the institutional situation and the state of patients. Signifcant relationship between inpatients’ age and the different interventions such as use of daily life activities, education on the proper use of body, positioning, stimulation of the awareness was found.