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Labor intermediation program for disability worked: "Get ready for the job"


  • Andrea Zondek Secretaria Ejecutiva, Fondo Nacional de la Discapacidad (FONADIS)


This article presents the central features that guide the action of the National Fund of the Disability (FONADIS) in matters of equalizing of opportunities and labor insertion of persons with disability.

In this document gives account of the main advances, results and learnings obtained during the first phase of the process of implementation, systematization and evaluation of the Intermediation Labor Program for persons with disability of FONADIS. This work undertakes the three fundamental axes of intervention model of the program: the person with disability as worker, the formal labor market, and the work of intermediation of an equipment specialized. Finally, in this article the most prominent aspects are revised and the future projections of this innovator programs that in its flrst year of execution there is position in motion of three Offices of Intermediation Labor for persons with disability (OIL) in different regions of the country.


Disability, disability worker, accesibility to work, advocacy for work, social integration.

Author Biography

Andrea Zondek, Secretaria Ejecutiva, Fondo Nacional de la Discapacidad (FONADIS)

Terapeuta Ocupacional. Master en Integración de Personas con Discapacidad. Secretaria Ejecutiva del Fondo Nacional de la Discapacidad (FONADIS). Chile.