Auto-ethnographic reflections of a non-maternity



This paper analyzes my concerns, confusions, ruptures, and assumptions of my desired and not experienced late motherhoodfrom auto-ethnographic reflections. In a continuous dialogue between feminist critique and my experiences,I question aspects of motherhood, gender roles and mandates, and symbolic violence againstwomen. The methodological proposal of auto-ethnography is configured as acritical reflective method of our subjectivities, which offers the possibility of exploring gender conflicts in the first person, as a reflection of society, strengthening resistance togender violence and providing a space for feminist activism. The present auto-ethnography places non-maternity at the centre of the discussion as a configurable option in the future of a feminist experience.


auto-ethnography, maternity, feminism, gender mandates, violence

Author Biography

Virginia Romero Plana, Universidad de Sonora

Trabajadora social y antropóloga por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Doctora en Estudios Mexicanos. Profesora-investigadora del Departamento de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Sonora, México. Adscrita al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores e Investigadoras Nivel 1.