“I learned all those things more on the street” Intersectional Reflections on the Construction of Neighborhood Masculinity Masculinities, social vulnerability and consumption of psychoactive substances
Studies on masculinities allow to account for the complex processes and practices that configure being a man in a given place and time, allowing the development of multiple approaches, which in the present study are based on intersectionality in masculinities, observing oppressions and privileges. This research aims to: Unveil the relationship between the social construction of certain configurations of masculinity and its complex relationship with the problematic consumption of psychoactive substances, from a phenomenological perspective from the voices and experiences of young men from Talcahuano. The present research is based on a qualitative approach to the phenomenon, with a phenomenological approach, using the ethnographic interview technique and with a data analysis from the grounded theory. Concluding that neighborhood masculinity is a complex and contradictory identity, which exercises power by placing itself in a privileged way in the neighborhood context and that for its own construction it needs the consumption of psychoactive substances.
Masculinities, intersectionality, substance use, hegemonic masculinity, social vulnerability
Author Biographies
Jonny Altamirano Godoy, Universidad de la Frontera
Psicólogo, Magister en Salud Publica Comunitaria y Desarrollo Local, Departamento de Salud Pública. Facultad de medicina, Universidad La Frontera.
Augusto Obando Cid, Universidad de la Frontera
Doctor en procesos sociales y políticos en América Latina, Universidad ARCIS. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales Universidad de Chile. Académico del Departamento de Salud Pública. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad La Frontera.
Altamirano Godoy, J., & Obando Cid, A. (2023). “I learned all those things more on the street” Intersectional Reflections on the Construction of Neighborhood Masculinity Masculinities, social vulnerability and consumption of psychoactive substances. Revista Punto Género, (20), pp. 304–333. https://doi.org/10.5354/2735-7473.2023.73471