In this article we set out to find out what factors diversify care work, considering that these activities are carried out in scenarios of inequality where variables such as socioeconomic level and social position intervene. This research offers an exploratory quantitative analysis based on the National Time Use Survey (ENUT) conducted in 2019. The main finding shows that in 21st century Mexico, even when women have a higher level of education, have paid work, or are heads of household, this is not enough to alleviate the burden of care work that they bear compared to men, in addition to which there are scenarios in which inequalities among women exacerbate the precarious condition in which this work is performed.
Care work, gender studies, Mexico, inequalities
Author Biographies
Vanessa Arvizu Reynaga, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de Azcapotzalco
Doctora en Sociología con especialidad en Sociología de la Educación Superior. Actualmente es profesora-Investigadora en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de Azcapotzalco, México
Pedro Octavio Arce Casas, Universidad Virtual de la Universidad de Guadalajara
Doctor en Gestión de la Educación Superior. Actualmente Jefe de la Unidad de Presupuestos, Coordinación de Planeación, Sistema de Universidad Virtual de la Universidad de Guadalajara
Arvizu Reynaga, V., & Arce Casas, P. O. (2023). Mexican women facing care work: inequalities in activities and ways of life. Revista Punto Género, (20), pp. 147–177.