Emerging gender relations and paternity in family making within Homoparental contexts


  • Marcelo Robaldo Universidad de Chile


This article briefly presents research results of the study entitled Doing family in homosexual kinship contexts and emergent gender relations, carried out for the Masters program in Gender Equality in Development of the University of Vic, Spain. The article deals with inter gender relations within homosexual parenting contexts. It`s central assumption is that non heterosexual individuals may share a community bond that springs from their experience of exclusion, which in turn defines their forms of doing family as a reflexive project – doing family here is understood as performative, following Judith Butler’s view of homosexual kinship. It is an “unnatural” form of kinship which entails commitments, negotiations and agreements, all of which make it distinct from kinship performed in accordance to a heterosexual and heteronormative social and cultural context.


Gender relations, Homosexual kinship, Maternity, Reproductive body, Parenting

Author Biography

Marcelo Robaldo, Universidad de Chile

Sociólogo, Master en Igualdad y Equidad en el Desarrollo, Universidad de Vic, España. Profesor del Magister en Estudios de Género y Cultura en América Latina, Universidad de Chile