This article aims to analyze the current cultural dispute, consisting of making sense of social reality on the use of the body. Societal Two proposals have been expressed about it in Argentina and have located the body, sexuality, the couple and the family at the center of the lawsuit. For description is proposed as a first approximation to identify the historical context that defines the face of one of the actors in this dispute: neoconservative fundamentalism. At a later stage, describing the processes of consolidation of the actor and the maturity of its proposals, and conclude with a discussion of the logical articulation and political advancement of their proposals in Argentina. To illustrate these constructions will take the process of development of Comprehensive Sex Education Act and the approval of the Curriculum Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education and the run around the Equal Marriage Act, which defined distinctly feminist imaginary borders, lay, liberals and progressives, on the one hand, and the neoconservative and religious fundamentalists, on the other.
symbolic devices, technologies of gender, elective affinity, neoconservatism, exceptionalism
Rodríguez, A. H. (2013). The body as a field of religious and political dispute. Revista Punto Género, (3), Pág. 99–121.