Latin-american women inclusion in social and political movements during 20th century was mainly founded in their mothers' condition, their claims were based in their families protection and care. In this article we analyze the "Madres de Plaza de Mayo" movement, which was meant to reach justice for daughters and sons disappeared during military dictatorship in Argentina, and we conceive it as a social sphere for women's citizenship construction under maternal feminism theoretical basis. At the same time, discourses and accounts from women who participated in that movement are considered for analyzing collective and individual identity construction based on their participation in public and political sphere as well as the re-signifi cation of their mothers' condition since their movement enrollment.
maternal feminism, identity, women and politics, social movements, argentinean women
Zarco, A. (2011). Maternalismo, identidad colectiva y participación política: las Madres de Plaza de Mayo. Revista Punto Género, (1).