In this paper we analyze the case of women involved in a piqueteros' movement named Frente Popular Dario Santillán. This movement promotes "social change" through the transformation of political practices and overcoming "the old forms of domination". Despite this purpose, it still has a distinctive characteristic shared with other "traditional" institutions: although it was composed mostly of women, the leaders were men. This is the starting point of a "women space" conformation. From this space women have questioned not only the distribution of power within the movement, but also the meanings of social change. In this article we analyse this process from conceptual tools introduced by Fraser-Honneth debate.
recognition, redistribution, picketing women, articulation of experiences, political involvement
Cross, C., & Partenio, F. (2011). ¿Cuál cambio social? Construcción de vínculos políticos en un espacio de mujeres piqueteras. Revista Punto Género, (1).