This article deals with the current day issue of homosexual mothering and fathering. Its arguments are set within a gender perspective and a concept of family as a site of contesting practices and meanings, in which homosexual families challenge traditional models of kinship. Thus, the article argues for the need to go beyond the hetero-normative boundaries of Latin-American gender theory in order to make these families visible to social research. Inso doing it points to the idea of homosexual kinship as performativeness of parental bonds in non heterosexual families. Additionally, in seeking to visualize the specifi city of the issue in Chile, comments are made on research findings from a comparative study carried out between Santiago and Barcelona. Finally, some preliminary ideas regarding the issue of homosexual men and fathering are also treated.
Robaldo, M. (2011). La homoparentalidad en la deconstrucción y reconstrucción de familia. Aportes para la discusión. Revista Punto Género, (1).