
Call for Papers. Special Number "100 Years of Social Work: Discussions and Perspectives on the Discipline's Past, Present and Future". Submissions in Spanish or English until the 30th October 2024 for publication in April 2025 (Issue 9). For more information please see the following link.

Social movements and struggles in Chile. Interpellations from Social Work


  • Gloria Cáceres Julio Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso


Social Work has a long history of linkage with the struggles and social movements at Latin American and national level, especially since the Reconceptualization period in Chile, which reached a great development during the Popular Unity government, with Salvador Allende at the head, and that despite the dark period of the civil-military dictatorship, sectors of the profession were linked to the groups, social movements and political parties that fought for the defense of democracy, life and human rights (civil, political and economic) of citizenship. On this path, that of retaking the thread that unites past, present and future, the authors of this text make visible the readings and actions-interventions in the different areas and territories that Chilean Social Work can or could have carried out.


Movimientos Sociales, Trabajo Social, Luchas sociales

Author Biography

Gloria Cáceres Julio, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Professor, School of Social Work, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.

Correo electrónico: gloria.caceres@pucv.cl

Author of the book:

Paula Vidal Molina. Social worker, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. PhD in History, Universidad de Chile. Postdoctorate in Latin American Studies, Trandes - Freie Universität Berlin. Germany. PhD in Social Service, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. Academic of the Department of Social Work, Universidad de Chile.


Arancibia, L. y Soto, P. (2022). Movimientos sociales, conflicto y construcción democrática. Resistencias e imaginarios desde los movimientos estudiantiles secundarios en la posdictadura chilena. En P. Vidal, Movimientos sociales y luchas en Chile. Interpelaciones desde el Trabajo Social (pp. 119-136). RIL editores.

Esposito, R. (2006). Bíos. Biopolítica y filosofía. Amorrortu.

Gutiérrez, P. (2022). Sobre el concepto de clase y economía moral de la multitud en Edward Palmer Thompson. En C. Berríos y G. Jara, Contrapuntos Latinoamericanos. Ensayos desde una perspectiva continental, vol. 2 (pp. 81-98). Ediciones Inubicalistas/

Voces Opuestas.

Iamamoto, M. (2003). El Servicio Social en la contemporaneidad. Trabajo y formación profesional. Cortéz.

Young, I.M. (2000). La Justicia y la política de la diferencia. Cátedra.

Servicio Electoral de Chile. (2020). Votación Total por Opción Plebiscito 2020 Constitución Política. https://historico.servel.cl/servel/app/index.php?r=EleccionesGenerico&id=10


Servicio Electoral de Chile. (2022). Votación Total por Opción Plebiscito Constitucional 2022. https://historico.servel.cl/servel/app/index.php?r=EleccionesGenerico&id=237