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Is Health a Functional System? Outline of a Systemic Codification of Health


  • Juan Miguel Chávez Albarrán Universidad de la Frontera
  • Francisco Mujica Coopman Université Catholique de Louvain-La-Neuve


This article seeks to explore whether is possible to conceive health as a functional system (according to Niklas Luhmman’s system theory). First, we will discuss Niklas Luhmann’s argument on the exclusion of health from the functional system status (I). Then, we will expound Niklas Luhmann’s theory on the emergence and social stabilization of functional systems (II). We will reconstruct the social evolution of health’s semantics and structure (III); in order to underline the main features of health as a functional system –the distinctiveness of its emergency process, the distinctiveness of its social stabilization process, the distinctiveness of its operations (as well as the obstacles for its functioning) (IV). We will conclude this work with a brief discussion on the implications and challenges for a systemic codification of health (V).


Health, Functional System, Differentiation, Codification, Individual


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