The Sociopoietic Research Program: An Interview with Marcelo Arnold
Juan Pablo Ávila
Universidad Iberoamericana
Marcelo Arnold is considered one of the most influential scholars in the field of social systems theory in Latin America. His work has been focused on developing a methodological theory through his sociopoietic program research'. This program has allowed him to build a deeply recognized career in social sciences. In this interview, we present his path, how he met the early work of Niklas Luhmann, his studies in Bielefield University, and his efforts to teach and spread social systems theory in Latin America.
Bielefeld University, Social systems theory, Book, Society and system theory, Empirical research, Sociopoietic research program
Rodríguez, D., & Arnold, M. (1991). Sociedad y teoría de sistemas. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universitaria.