A possible theoretical reflection about transdisciplinarity today


  • Guilherme Brandão Estudiante del Magíster en Antropología y Desarrollo, Universidad de Chile


Complexity overflew the disciplinary frontiers of Science generating the possibility of cross disciplinary interactions, in spite of it, - and that's the point in this article - the epistemological boundaries of the scientific system were not flown over its edges. In this article the author seeks to propose certain conditions of possibility - based on the theories of Gaston Bachelard and Niklas Luhmann, and certain points of the theories of Warren Weaver and Keneth Boulding - to observe transdisciplinarity in another perspective; admitting its gnoseological roots which grew strong based on the semantics of the postmodern theory, nevertheless, trying to examine the possibility of emergence of an epistemological transdisciplinarity.


Episteme, complexity, strong transdisciplinarity, Gaston Bachelard, Niklas Luhmann

Author Biography

Guilherme Brandão, Estudiante del Magíster en Antropología y Desarrollo, Universidad de Chile

Abogado UNISANTOS (Universidad Católica de Santos), Diplomado en Administración Financiera.

Estudiante del Magíster en Antropología y Desarrollo, Universidad de Chile