The Modernity, whose identity sign is the dialectic tension, has been raised over two great revolutions: the scientific and the industrial. But, an uncontrolled industrial process and population explosion, stimulated by a great energetic omnivorism, enabled by an incessant technological evolution, have caused a worldwide environmental crisis. Nowadays, this problem has turned into the most important challenge of the humankind. Traditionally, the ecology debates have been arranged around two great stances: the environmentalism and the deep ecology. Nevertheless, both struggle for the conservation of the planetary biodiversity, the Deep Ecology Movement concludes, after a deep analysis, that the origin of this situation dates back to the Illustration. As a result, they idealize a post-industrial horizon which will lead us towards the desirable pre-industrial future.
Industrial civilization, Strong thought, Weak thought, Environmentalism, Deep ecology
Author Biography
Policarpo Sánchez Yustos, Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid
Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid, España
Sánchez Yustos, P. (2011). A critical view of Modernity: The Deep Ecology Movement. MAD, (24), 93–102. Retrieved from