For other heritage narratives: traces of the political action of the MEMCH Provincial Committee of Concepción (1935-1953)



Based on a case study, this text analyzes a series of urban spaces that, during the first half of the twentieth century, were used by the Provincial Committee of the Movement for the Emancipation of Women of Chile (MEMcH) in the city of Concepción. In this way, their traces were identified as practices of urban political action in that city. The findings were derived from the triangulation of various literary, documentary and archival sources, as also interviews. The study of these areas is much broader and goes beyond the above mentioned; however, for the purposes of this text, it was decided to expose those that had more information. From this perspective, as also in consideration to the various committees installed by MEMcH in Biobío, the action and presence of local MEMcHistas has not been sufficiently disseminated or worked. Thus, the hypothesis that guides this article is that this example can be used to visualize how certain patrimonial narratives operate and how, for the construction of urban memory, they provide references that account for their presence, their actions and contributions. This allows to conceive them not only as heritage and non-visible patrimony within the cities, but also as a form of dispute against urban memories, showing at the same time the influence of the sex-gender system in it.


Urban memory, Feminist studies, MEMCH, Heritage, Concepción.