Caracterización de indicadores de detección de glaucoma con los equipos OCT Spectralis y campímetro Humphrey II en pacientes altos miopes y altos miopes glaucomatosos del Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile
Felipe Rojas B.
Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile. Servicio Oftalmología
Mauricio Aguilar V.
Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile. Servicio Oftalmología
Purpose: Characterize and describe glaucoma index parameters of the results of visual exams,
Optical Coherence Tomography and Visual Field, in high myopic subjects with and without the
pathology. Method: Cross sectional and observational study of 39 eyes, 15 high myopic with
glaucoma y 24 high myopic without it. Visual Field (VF) were performed, where the global
index between both groups were analyzed; Mean Deviation (MD), Model Standard Deviation
(MSD) and Visual Field Index (VFI), beside Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), in which the
thickness of the ganglion cells layer (GCL) inside 3 central mm was compared. Results: The
results were satisfactory, demonstrating different characteristics between the high myopic
group with glaucoma and without it, both in VF and OCT exams. It was obtained in the VF
analysis difference in average MD of -4,92 dB + 3,71 (p<0,05); difference in average DSM
of 2,01 dB + 2,85 (p>0,05) and VFI with Friedman Test 10,29 (p>0,05). The statistical OCT
analysis, when comparing GCL, observed that the Temporary sector (T) had a statistically
significant decrease (p<0,05). Conclusions: To continue studies in this investigative line, can
expand the knowledge in this area, mainly in the study of the GCL.
Rojas B., F., Aguilar V., M., Meza M., K., Pinto C., C., & Verdugo H., P. (2019). Caracterización de indicadores de detección de glaucoma con los equipos OCT Spectralis y campímetro Humphrey II en pacientes altos miopes y altos miopes glaucomatosos del Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile. Revista Hospital Clínico Universidad De Chile, 30(2).