
Articles received by April 30 can be published in the first semester, and those received by September 15 can be published in the corresponding second-semester issue.

Challenges of the Corporate Criminal Liability Act


  • Héctor Hernández Basualto Abogado, legum magister y Doctor en Derecho (Friburgo de Brisgovia), Profesor de Derecho Penal de la Universidad Diego Portales


The article identifies and addresses four interpretive issues posed by the Chilean Corporate Criminal Liability Act (Nr. 20.393), which represent key challenges to be tackled in order to effectively enforce this Act by the criminal justice system. The issues addressed are: (1) the agent's identity and the formal asymmetry between the actual organization and the legal person; (2) the concrete requirements of the corporate crime "prevention model" and the conditions under which a failed implementation of that plan could result in corporate criminal liability for the crime: (3) the legal treatment of "precarious" legal persons; and (4) the status of legal persons in criminal procedure.    


corporate criminal liability, implementation challenges