The collective instrument in the 2016 labor reform


  • Pedro Irureta Uriarte Universidad Alberto Hurtado


The labor reform introduced by Law No. 20,940 (2016) redesigned the figure of the collective instrument. Taking the norms already in the Labor Code prior to the reform, and adding some legislative variants, the new regulation placed the collective instrument within a broad and generic concept under different alternatives such as the collective agreement or arbitration decision. The requirements that the reform incorporates demand to unravel the scope of the collective instrument, solving the legal gaps that the new legislation has generated. However, within this scheme, the figure of the negotiating group’s agreement has been left in an obvious normative loneliness, even though the reform refers to it in different passages.


Collective bargaining, collective instrument, sources of Labor Law

Author Biography

Pedro Irureta Uriarte, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Abogado y Licenciado en Derecho por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid