The "constitutionalisation" of the labor law has allowed an advance in the protection of the fundamental rights inside the company, as much for the aplication between individuals of the fundamental rights, as for the progressive aparition of labor regulations that supports them. Even for the absence of regulation in the chilean legislation about the figure of mobbing or labor psychological abuse, the protection of the fundamental rights wich are involved in this contrariety, allows to configurare jurídica! ways to confront it. The typical juridic ways, before the labor procedure reformation, were limitated principal y to ordinary indemnization actions, the indirect firing or the protection action. The new labor procedure reformation instaurated wich it is the great way to confornt the mobbing, because contemplares the advances taken by the new doctrines about the protection of unspecified rigths. The current paper pretends to determinare if the use of this procedure will be efficient for the abused worker to regain the state before the abuse, qith the compensation for the damages wich he has been exposed.
Mobbing, abuse, fundamental rights, tutelage procedure, indications
Author Biography
Lucía Planet Sepúlveda
Abogada, Universidad de Chile. Diplomada en Derecho Laboral, Universidad de Chile. Defensora Laboral de la Región Metropolitana
Planet Sepúlveda, L. (2016). Eficacia del Procedimiento de Tutela Laboral como protección contra el mobbing en Chile. Revista Chilena De Derecho Del Trabajo Y De La Seguridad Social, 1(1), pp. 93–122.