This article analyzes the doctrinary fundaments of the hardness of the responsability by the principal companies. Thus, it considerares the profit that the construct of the outsourcing reports ro the main businessperson, and also the reward in front of a self-control system of the workforcerelated legislation's abiding or the created risk theory. Acording ro this, it makes a critic ro the system of responsabilities that the "Código del Trabajo" establishes, from the view of the economic analysis of the law, by asking if the new asignation of responsabilities is efficient in the fulfillment of making a bigger individual or social satisfaction and, particularly, if the outsource law increases or decreases the contract transactions related costs.
Outsource, economic analysis of the law, solidary responsability, transaction costs
Author Biography
Adriana Palavecino Cáceres, Universidad de Talca
Abogada, Universidad de Chile. Profesora conferenciante Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Talca.
Palavecino Cáceres, A. (2016). Responsabilidades empresariales del trabajo en régimen de subcontratación desde la perspectiva del análisis económico del derecho. Revista Chilena De Derecho Del Trabajo Y De La Seguridad Social, 1(1), pp. 51–65.