Review process by evaluators
To ensure anonymity in the evaluation process, any article submitted must indicate only on the last page, separated from the body of the article, the following information of the author or authors:
The evaluation of each article will be carried out by two Peer Evaluators, that is, experts from outside the publishing entity, in an anonymous process, the evaluator not being able to know the identity of the person who has written the text (double-blind). Each Evaluating Peer must pronounce an opinion on the reviewed articles, ruling their acceptance to be published; its acceptance but conditional on the adequacy of certain aspects; or your rejection. As part of our editorial policy, we undertake to send a response about the status of each work within a period not exceeding one week from its receipt. Otherwise, the authors are at full freedom to consider another journal for the publication of their article. It will be the responsibility of the Editor to maintain the anonymity of the evaluators vis-à-vis the authors.