The principle of publicity before the jurisprudence of the Court for the Defense of Free Competition
Rodrigo Marcelo Aros Chia
Abogado Magister en Derecho Público, Profesor de Derecho Político y Constitucional Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y Universidad de Las Américas.
I begin this presentation by thanking the invitation and call that has been made to me to participate in the XXXVI Conference on Public Law, organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Chile, especially Mr. Enrique Navarro Beltrán, in his capacity as President of the Organizing Commission, as well as the Rector of this House of Higher Studies, Mr. Víctor Pérez Vera, and the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Mr. Roberto Nahum Anuch, for the invitation that once again they have extended to us professors from all the country, to participate in these Conferences, dedicated to debating the scope of the Constitutional Reforms carried out in 2005, one year later.
Principle of publicity, Jurisprudence, Court for the Defense of Free Competition
Aros Chia, R. M. (2016). The principle of publicity before the jurisprudence of the Court for the Defense of Free Competition. Revista De Derecho Público, (69), Págs. 186–198.