1. Prolegomenon
Frequently, the dogmatic analyzes of the institutions of Public Law are limited by a mere description of them, without being able to study how that institution truly operates within the legal system or order. Indeed, the texts contain repetitions of questions that, today, if they were compared with reality, they would possibly give a different result. Delegated legislation is a legal institution that has shown many signs of its extraordinary power to modify or complement the written Chilean Constitution, especially by representing a legal reality that at times has either been directly opposed to it or, on the contrary, that has modeled it in a more or less latent way and not always deductible from the only written content of the Constitution.
Decrees with Force of Law, Normative power, President of the Republic, Public Law, Delegated legislation
Moraga Klenner, C. (2015). The normative power of the President of the Republic: Decrees with Force of Law. Revista De Derecho Público, (70), Págs. 313–335. https://doi.org/10.5354/rdpu.v0i70.37766