The sources of public international law, diversity of international courts and generation Public International Law state
Sergio Peña Neira
Profesor en la Escuela de Derecho
de la Universidad Bernardo O´Higgins (Teoría del Derecho) y profesor invitado en la Universidad de Chile. Licenciado y Magíster en Relaciones internacionales y Europeas
The value of the sources of international (public) law or is relative or absolute based on the growing and reformulation of international juridical norms. This has as source the general international (public) law and the (public) international law of treaties. The sources of the international juridical order expressed their selves when the juridical norms include the obligation of application (based upon ratification or direct application) and, at the same time, the absence of the application (based upon itself) produces international juridical responsibility. We will study two authors, Bello and Alvarez. The international legal rules will be interpreted and applied at the national level due to the unity of the juridical Order, as expression of an “public international rule of law).
International rule of law, Rechtstaat, Sources, Juridical Order, Juridical Norm
Peña Neira, S. (2012). The sources of public international law, diversity of international courts and generation Public International Law state. Revista De Derecho Público, (77), Pág. 425–439.