Claudio Moraga Klenner
Abogado, Profesor Asociado de Derecho Administrativo, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Chile. Magíster Rerum Publicarum por la Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften, Speyer
The State and, therefore, its Administration, changes through the time, according to the duties imposed to them by the Constitution and the laws and the contingent necesities of the population. In this process we have put several names to the State: Absolute or Police State, liberal-constitutional State, Social or Benefactor State, Cooperative State, Regulator State, Guarantor State, State of Prevention. Currently, the State is demanded by new social and legal circumstances; for so it is questionable the State should change again its kind and character. We are refering in particular to the congregation of public and private activities; of the new capacities of acting and decision of the people; and the change in the associative paradigm.
Power of the State, Proto–State, Modern State, Commonwealth