Qualitative research on the process of courselling in the educational program "Hight School for everybody" in Santiago, Chile: what the counsellors think
Ximena Valiente
Investigadora, Universidad Académica de Humanismo Cristiano
Paulina Herrera
Doctora en Psicología Educacional, Universidad de Salamanca
Janny Figueroa
Docente Escuela de Trabajo Social, Universidad Académica de Humanismo Cristiano
In this article the characteristics of psychological counselling in the educational program "High School for Everybody" in Santiago de Chile are studied from the point of view of the counsellors.Psychological counselling is a network of social relationships that are produced inside the educational institutions. The psychological counselling is a work experience oriented to promote the participation and integration inside high schools.
Valiente, X., Herrera, P., & Figueroa, J. (2006). Qualitative research on the process of courselling in the educational program "Hight School for everybody" in Santiago, Chile: what the counsellors think. Revista De Psicología, 15(2), Pág. 163–180. https://doi.org/10.5354/0719-0581.2006.18420