We propose an analysis about the process of buildingsubjectivities in the context of an addictions treatment. This processis a product based on the articulation developed by the subject intreatment, between official discourses and his own personal discourseabout drugs.From the socio-constructivist paradigm, this paper analyzesthe effect of official discourses about drugs on the creation process ofthe subject called ‘patient' during therapy interaction. The analysisshows that some discourses have the effect of creating dependantsubjects with no abilities on taking decisions. However, the subjectis not only a passive receptor of discourses, but also an active agent,giving meaning to his actions by articulating discourses to justify thedrug consumption or to defend a "positive" identity.
Muñoz Sandoval, E. A. (2011). Build up of subjectivity in therapy: Discourses of addiction in action. Revista De Psicología, 20(2), Pág. 25–52. https://doi.org/10.5354/0719-0581.2011.17931