Current public policies for the uninstitutionalization and rehabilitation of psychotics in Chile. The experience of the therapeutic community in Peñalolen
Felipe Díaz
Lic. En Psicología. Comunidad Terapéutica Diurna de Peñalolén
Javiera Erazo
Lic. En Psicología. Comunidad Terapéutica Diurna de Peñalolén
Carla Sandoval
Lic. En Psicología, Comunidad Terapéutica Diurna de Peñalolén
In this paper we critically review the policies issued by the Chilean goverment in recent years in relation to Mental Health, specifically those concerning to the uninstitutionalization process of Psychiatric patients and the rehabilitation of psychotic persons.Initially, we will review the current National Plan for Mental Health and Psychiatry, emphasizing those guidelines that are oriented towards a biopsychosocial conception of mental illness, represented in what we have defined as three major points of discussion: family, community and network.Finally, we will report an experience of institutional treatment of psychosis that incorporates the contributions of psychoanalysis to conceptualize psychosis and its possible treatment, where subjectivity and politics are taken into account as major focal points.
Public policies of mental health, uninstitutionalization process, comunidad terapéutica diurna de Peñalolén
Díaz, F., Erazo, J., & Sandoval, C. (2008). Current public policies for the uninstitutionalization and rehabilitation of psychotics in Chile. The experience of the therapeutic community in Peñalolen. Revista De Psicología, 17(1), Pág. 9–37.