Pluralism in the Chilean television and broadcasting markets and the relevant market definition



The study analyzes the relevant market categories and structural pluralism, understanding as such the set of mechanisms that, without affecting the content, allow knowing the diversity of messages and controlling the concentration of the media. In the Chilean case, this function corresponds to the National Economic Prosecutor's Office (FNE), which receives information regarding the change of ownership of any media outlet, and whose favorable report is necessary for operations involving media holders of a concession. (radio and television). In this context, it should be noted that the scarcity of the radioelectric spectrum, which is the most powerful reason for government intervention, has nevertheless been altered by the digitalization of television and radio and by the development of the Internet. This study raises some concerns regarding the relevant market definition used by the FNE. The data concludes that this assessment should also consider the consumption of digital media, and not only traditional media outlets.


Relevant market, structural pluralism, television, broadcasting

Author Biography

María José Labrador Blanes, Universidad del Desarrollo

Licenciada en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la Universidad Anáhuac México Norte y doctora en Comunicación por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Es profesora de la Facultad de Comunicaciones de la Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile.


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