Zero-rating and net neutrality in Chile


  • Marco Correa Wikimedia Chile


The Chilean net neutrality regulation has been widely analyzed worldwide, as it is the first law in the world to recognize this principle, which aims to prevent arbitrary discrimination of internet traffic. One of the main challenges in interpreting and implementing this law within Chile has been the regular practice of zero-rating, in which certain telecommunications providers prioritize certain applications through free data. Although this practice was qualified as a breach of net neutrality by the regulatory body, the Subsecretariat of Telecommunications (Subtel), zero-rating is still practiced by mobile telephone companies as part of their subscription offers. This article seeks to analyze both the legal status of zero-rating in Chile and the evolution of the Subtel criteria.


net neutrality, zero-rating, mobile telephony, telecommunications

Author Biography

Marco Correa, Wikimedia Chile

Abogado. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad de Chile. Profesor del Diplomado de Comunicación Digital del Instituto de Comunicación e Imagen de la Universidad de Chile. Presidente de la Corporación Wikimedia Chile.


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