The functional trajectory of the colonial institutions towards the administration of republican justice in the province of Buenos Aires (1821-1890)


  • María Angélica Corva Universidad Católica Argentina


During the nineteenth century in Latin America, one of the biggest challenges in the transition from the monarchist government to the republican government was the cut of power of the jurisdictional organs, so that their function was limited exclusively to administer justice. This required the organization of the different judicial instances and their powers. It is our objective to investigate the functional trajectory of the Indian institutions towards the administration of republican justice, taking in this case the highest court in the sequence of the Real Audiencia until the Supreme Court of Justice of the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina), established by the constitutional text of 1873. From the documents of creation and operation of the successive superior courts, we will analyse its conformation and operation to identify and dimension the old elements in the republican organ and its implications. We will complete the study with the inspiration taken from the Tribunal Supremo Español.


Functional trajectory, Indian institutions, Supreme Court, Judiciary power, Province of Buenos Aires, Tribunal Supremo Español