Government secretary and Chamber Secretary in the Kingdom of Chile, during XVIth century


  • Galvarino Palacios Gómez Miembro de la Sociedad Chilena de Historia del Derecho y Derecho Romano. Instituto de Historia del Derecho Santiago del Nuevo Extremo


In this article the author discusses the positions of Government Secretary and Real Audiencia of Concepción Chamber Secretary. The Real Audiencia of Concepción was the Þ rst Audiencia established in Chile, which operated from 1567 up to 1575. The article also refers to the personal secretaries that Governors appointed during the XVI century, and the type of work they performed. The author includes a list of all Secretaries appointed between 1539 to 1600 years, along with biographical notes on each one of them and some genealogical information.


Instituciones jurídico, administrativas indianas chilenas, Real Audiencia of Concepción, Gobierno indiano, Justicia indiana, Derecho Indiano, Government Secretary, Chamber Secretary