La "presencia" del rey ausente. El real retrato en las celebraciones dinásticas indianas


  • Daisy Rípodas Ardanaz Universidad del Salvador


The portrait is fundamental in the proclamations to acknowledge the new King and just accesory in the funeral, in which the sermons about his virtues are more considerated. The image presides the proclamation act and multiplies in a ubicuous manner in the posterior festive stage, but it does not appears more in public until the time of the funeral. It is easy to move from the veneratiom to the cult of the Royal figure into a public liturgy of gestures and words, and even a private cult. Thus, the King's portrait, from the useful fiction that "is like" the King, contributes to create a sensation of a "presence" of the Monarch destined to captivate the strong loyalty of the vassals.    


Dyanstic indian celebrations - King/portrait link - Public and private Royal cult