

Introduction: the World Health Organization defines complementary medicine as health practices distinct from traditional medicine and not fully integrated into the conventional health system. Their use has been rising globally, particularly for cardiovascular diseases, which are linked to high mortality rates. Objective: this study aims to determine the frequency of complementary medicine use and its association with the sociodemographic, clinical, and lifestyle characteristics of users in the cardiovascular health program at three health centers in Santiago. Methods: a descriptive study was conducted between December 2023 and January 2024 using a convenience sampling across three health centers, analyzing 103 users of the cardiovascular health program. Participants completed a questionnaire covering sociodemographic data, clinical factors, and CM usage. Descriptive analysis was performed, and Chi-square (χ2) tests were utilized to assess associations between the variables and CM use. Results: findings reveal that 48% of respondents used some form of complementary medicine, with 23.3% specifically for cardiovascular pathologies, a figure higher than prior studies. Users were primarily female, over 60 years old, and had more than 12 years of education. Increased usage was noted among those with multimorbidity (more than 2 conditions), with 75% using CM for cardiovascular issues and 80% for other chronic diseases. Dietary supplements and herbs were the most frequently reported types of complementary medicine. Conclusion: complementary medicine use is prevalent among individuals with cardiovascular conditions, suggesting the need for further research to assess prevalence and identify factors associated with CM use in this demographic on a national scale.


Complementary Medicine, Cardiovascular Deseases, Diabetes, Hypertension, Primary Health Care


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