One letter from Ioannes Tzetzes to the protosebastos Isaac, brother of Byzantine emperor John II


  • Jean Dayantis Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique


Ioannes (John) Tzetzes was a poet and a scholar of the twelfth century Byzantium. He was born in 1110 of our era and died after 1180. He belongs to the historians, philosophers, poets and other intellectuals who thrived after the reestablishment of the Byzantine empire during the reign of the Comneni. A poet and a commentator of Homer, Tzetzes was also an important letter-writer. In what follows we shall translate one of his letters, which we have considered to be particularly interesting. The article ends with a brief comparison with Theodore Prodromus, another contemporary poet.


Tzetzes, Byzantine poets, Byzantine letter-writers, dynasty of the Comneni, Constantinople in the 12th century, Byzantine satires