The ideal city in Nikos Kazantzaki's Odyssey


  • Helena González Vaquerizo Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


This paper approaches the construction of an ideal city in NikosKazantzakis' Odyssey, a 20th century epic poem which rewrites and continuesthat of Homer. In doing so it focuses on utopian literature patterns. In the XVbook of this Odyssey and after a long way through the desert, the hero is aboutto build an ideal city, more righteous, more equal, where the crowd of peoplefollowing him can reach and overpass its human destiny. On its very openingdate, the great work will be destroyed by an earthquake and the hero will have tostart his way on his own again. In the configuration of the failed utopian societywhich Kazantzakis' proposes the models taken from the ideal cities of Plato andThomas More, as well as the nietzscheanian thinking, the sociocultural contextand the historic circumstances of the 20th century play a determinant role.    


ideal city, utopian literature, Odyssey, Kazantzakis, 20th century